Are you feeling like you’re a bit over your life right now? Is it feeling mundane and predictable? Do you know you need a shake up and need to do living differently but don’t how?
We’ve all been there, and at some point or another find ourselves back there. So I decided to create a game changer list that I could always come back to when I was due a ‘wake and shake’ up. Whenever I find myself slipping back into old patterns, becoming disoriented by life or in need of a pick-me-up, I go back to my list and start at the top and work my way down. I know these 8 game changers are going to spruce you up, just as they do me, in no time.
Create a better story for your day
Have you ever woken up in the morning and just knew it was going to be a bad day? And then what happened? No surprise – it was a bad day! Now, let’s replay this scenario only this time instead of pursuing the ‘it’s going to be a bad day’ theme, stop and take stock of what’s happening. You are creating the next 24 hours of your life, and what’s even more frightening is that this day will impact on the following 24 hours and the one after that and the one after that. What if you chose differently? What if you made a decision, the moment that depressing story started and replaced it with a more positive one. Sure, you aren’t going to start feeling like a fire cracker immediately, but as you go through the day you’ve afforded yourself different options and opportunities. Little bit by little bit the day begins to get brighter.
Your mind is so powerful, you are able to transform an almost disastrous day into a manageable one, simply by choosing a different story.Once you begin, practice, and each day will open up new miracle and new opportunities. You are in control of your life, choose in your favour
Focus on right now
Thinking about the old, brings up hurts and fears. Thinking about the future creates anxiety and unsettles the self. There is absolutely no power in the past or the present. We are so easily overwhelmed by our past experiences or what we believe the future holds for us, that we completely forget that right now, in this moment, we are in control, we hold all the power. This power is simply in the thought you think about the moment you are in. “Right now, I choose that my life is unfolding in a beautiful way. All I need is coming to me and the truth will reveal itself.” I speak myself through every moment. Especially the moments where the fear wants to step in and dictate why things are not working out, why things are a mess, why I should be afraid. Each phrase of encouragement and each positive shower on my life, brings more. I am in control of my right now. You are in control of your right now. What are you creating?
De-clutter your life
Go through your cupboards and clear out everything you are no longer wearing! No more holding onto, “I’ll get back into that dress one day” and “I’m keeping those pants for when I put on weight again” and “this outfit reminds me of a happy day.” If you are not currently wearing it, get rid of it! You will be surprised at how much emotional stuff you have attached to the clutter you’ve been procrastinating getting rid of. Once you’ve got your old clothes together, donate them to a charity so someone else can love your wardrobe for you. Go through your house and find objects that you are not using and that you could sell on ebay. “As I give out, so I receive” and so begin the de-cluttering mantras.
Have any old books? Give them to your local library or a book club in your area.
Have any old computers or other gadgets that you can’t sell? Donate them to a schooling program.
There is so much that you can offer the world and at the same time, set yourself free from your heaps of jumble!
Sleep more
One of the simplest things to change is allowing your body enough rest time. All you need to do is commit to a routine of sleeping an hour earlier and waking up at the same time every day. So here’s the catch… Throughout the day you feel tired and you can’t wait for the evening to come. All day you tell yourself you are going to sleep early tonight. You barely get through the mayhem that is the end of day routine, momentarily, thinking you’re losing the race, and just when you can’t take it anymore, you land only ‘just’ over the finish line by the skin of your teeth. And voila! Just like that you’re not tired anymore. It’s as if the exhaustion you felt through the day happened to someone else and is now a distant memory. It is very common to get a ‘second wind’ in the early evening, BUT you are not anymore rested than you were a handful of hours ago. The best thing you could do is quieten your mind, get into bed an hour earlier and reap the rewards the next day. One late night will impact on your memory, your functioning and your productivity. Create a routine and stick to it!
Feed your mind, feed your body
You know the famous saying, “what goes in must come out?” Have you noticed how what you are reading translates into what you are speaking? The more you read the news, the more you speak of fears. The more aware you are of the perception that everything is wrong in the world, the more hopeless and defeated you speak and think. The more violence and aggression you watch on television, the more de-sensitized you become – you are not meant to be de-sensitized, your mind should not need to protect you by numbing you. Now try things the other way around. Start reading inspirational books and biographies. Watch programs that educate and stimulate your own thinking and your own ideas. How do you begin to speak? Amazing, isn’t it?
The same applies to foods. Eat healthy and you thrive. Eat poorly and your body becomes sluggish and run down. Feed your body nutritious and delicious foods and watch you glow. Feed your mind love and you will speak love about yourself and others. Feed yourself love and you will model love from top to toe.
Let go of what is out of your control
Attitudes create an energy system. A positive attitude creates an open energy system where you give and receive. A negative energy system creates a closed system, so you give but you don’t receive. That feeling of tightness you get inside your stomach when you are holding on to an experience, to something or someone, creates a closed energy system too. A closed energy system is inflexible because it’s too afraid to move, so it creates a resistance within. The resistance demonstrates that even though we know we are holding onto situations out of our control because of fear, we would much rather do this than change. The fear then holds us and keeps us there. “I’m afraid that if I let go of worrying about my children, something bad will happen to them.” Or “I’m afraid that if I let go my control over our finances, even though we have someone to help us, we will not have enough money.” Or “I’m afraid that if I’m not on guard 24/7 watching for criminals, harm will come to me or my family.”
Asking you to let go, to surrender, may be the most ridiculous idea you’ve ever heard of. All I can do is explain what you are doing to yourself when you choose to hold on to everything. Simply put, the resistance to let go is not against any human being or any one thing. The tight holding, the not letting go, always points to our inner spiritual struggle about how little we trust ourselves. Once we are able to look at why this is and how we can change it, we are able to let go. Being willing to let go is the first step. The second step is understanding that it can’t be undone with one thought. It is a decision and a commitment that you make to yourself, that you repeat over and over again until this begins to feels like your new reality. And then you breathe.
Laughter really is the best medicine
My favourite past time is a couch day with back to back romantic comedies and, of course, sweet popcorn. Life can really weigh us down if we let it. Get yourself some funny movies, or go out to a comedy night and let yourself go. Laugh at the silly moments, giggle through the embarrassing ones and belly laugh yourself into a happy and satisfied mood. Laughter has been known to cure all sorts of aches and pains and the blossoming of fresh perspectives.
Be thankful and bless your body
So we’ve all heard about gratitude, and we all know we should exercise but have you ever thought to combine the two? Whether you’re taking a walk out in nature or running on the treadmill, why not exercise your mind as well as your body into a higher level of energy? Gratitude has been proven to increase the happy hormones released in your brain and so does exercise. A double whammy of that should keep you in high spirits for days to come. There are no rules. Mentally tick off all the big and small things you are grateful for while working out. Set your intention for your workout to be positive and uplifting and that is exactly how you will return to your day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Life coaching gives you the opportunity to improve these aspects of your life; encouraging you to become the greatest version of who you are. Life coaching will assist you in achieving your goals. Life coaching offers ongoing support and a place of trust and honesty. Life coaching embodies acting and holding you accountable for your life until you accomplish your vision and begin living your secret desires.
Don’t allow happy and successful living to be something that happens to other people. With a life coach, you can make this your reality today.
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