All that change requires of us, is to become different. A minute difference in behavior, a tiny alteration in response or a variation of action, has the power to change the course of destiny – not just your own, but that of others.
It was Charles Darwin who said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
So why, then, is this so difficult for you to do? Here are a few reasons…
Your fear of uncertainty and the unknown is greater than your feeling of hopefulness.
You believe that the timing is not right. It rarely is when it comes to change.
You feel overwhelmed by the change and do not know where to begin.
You don’t see yourself as capable of successfully making the changes you need to.
Your current situation is serving you in some way and fulfilling a need for you.
You don’t really want to change. You may not be happy with your life but at least it’s familiar and you always know what to expect.
Have you noticed how when you fail to learn a life lesson, it has a way of repeating itself? It continues to play out until you gain some understanding and more importantly acceptance of it.
Where do you find the understanding and how do you come to a space of acceptance? Curb your resistance to change by…
Facing your fear head on!
Gather as much information and knowledge that you can to prepare for whatever outcomes you may be faced with.
Embrace the notion that the time for change will never ‘feel’ right. Instead of waiting for the right time, create it.
The beginning of any new chapter can be fraught with anxiety and sleepless nights. Break down each aspect into manageable tasks, and sub-divide these even further if need be. Each task must be realistic and easily attainable. Your game plan is to focus on and tackle each task, one at a time and acknowledge each accomplishment. This will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
As with every opportunity of change, come prospects of personal growth. Without self-awareness, you are unable to identify your shortcomings and then work towards improving these. Building confidence and a belief in your capabilities can only come from within.
An honest and truthful conversation with yourself will reveal what is keeping you stuck in your current situation. Every position you find yourself in, is serving you in some way. Most often not in a way you are comfortable admitting to.
You are more than the situation you find yourself in, but until you come to this realization, little will change. You may speak of it and image how it would unfold if you did take action, but the truth is words without actions are merely unfulfilled promises.
Where could you be bolder? What small thing could you do differently today? How could you transform your life? Choose one thing and do it!
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