“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn
Being happy may seem to be filled with complexities and rigorous routines but the easiest way to begin is to make the choice to be happy
Choose joy
Being happy may seem to be filled with complexities and rigorous routines but the easiest way to begin is to make the choice to be happy. Set an intention to live a happy and fulfilled life, and you will.
The basics
For anyone who knows children, they’re most disagreeable when they’re tired or hungry – you are no different. Ensure you get enough sleep every night and eat healthy foods throughout the day. Do some exercise to release endorphins and to keep you feeling good
Let go
Let go of anger, irritations and frustrations. Walk away from the situation to give yourself an opportunity to cool down. Vent your feelings by shouting into the mirror or writing down your true feelings and then destroying it. Releasing these emotions, will bring your clarity and help you gain a fresh perspective. Don’t harp on the old… let it go.
Avoid ‘treating’ yourself through your lows
Often when we’ve had a bad day we feel like ‘rewarding’ ourselves with chocolate, a few glasses of wine, a cigarette or a new outfit. The high of the ‘treat’ is short lived, while the guilt lingers on. Feel the lows and trust that they will pass. Acknowledge your feelings without judgement. Focus on a healthier channel to lift your spirits.
Fake it until you make it
A lifetime of negativity is not suddenly erased when you decide to be happy. Your brain’s been wired to think negatively and critically – it has to unlearn this. Thinking and speaking positively will need practice and just as you would train your body for a marathon, you’re now training your mind for joy. Repetition, acceptance of what is and gratitude for all that you have, will steer you in the direction of bliss
Connect with people
Get out into the world and connect with people. Step out from behind your computer, lift your head up from your phone and engage with others. Remind yourself what it is to be human… laugh, listen, share and feel.
Learn new things
Read and research new topics of interest. Keep your mind healthy by learning new ways of doing things. Become excited by different subjects and grow within yourself. You are never too old to learn a different way of being.
Have goals to look forward to
Plan your ‘bucket list’, place it where you can see it and go out and tick each item off of the list. Be it personal accomplishments, business goals or travel ideals, always have something you are working towards. Let this be your motivator.
Be comfortable with who you are
Love the skin you are in. Accept your imperfections. Embrace the body you have and be grateful for your health. Love yourself from the inside out and you will shine like a beacon of hope for others.
Life coaching gives you the opportunity to improve these aspects of your life; encouraging you to become the greatest version of who you are. A life coach will assist you in achieving your goals. Life coaching offers ongoing support and a place of trust and honesty. Life coaching embodies acting and holding you accountable for your life until you accomplish your vision and begin living your secret desires.
Don’t allow happy and successful living to be something that happens to other people. With a life coach, you can make this your reality today.
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