The fear of failure is almost impossible, but what you choose to do with it is what puts you ahead of the rest

Every one of us has fear. Fear is a part of our genetic make-up that is designed to protect us. If we are not careful, though, fear can become our dominant response and before you know it you’ve become a recluse and are living in dread.

The fear of failure is almost impossible, but what you choose to do with it is what puts you ahead of the rest. Here are 5 ways fear can be the ultimate motivator; 

 Owning your fear may be a concept of contradiction

If fear is a genetic component of humans, as research has suggested, then shying away from a part of yourself can only lead to feelings of in-congruence. Simply put, if you reject fear, you reject a part of yourself. Optimal functioning comes from a place of knowing yourself. Owning your fear means acknowledging it for what it is. What does the voice in your head ‘say’ fear is, and how does it cause you to act? The next step is accepting that you’re nervous about the decisions you must make; become comfortable with the idea that fear is only a part of you. The final step is placing fear in its rightful place – the back seat. You are the driver of your dreams and accomplishments, act from the space that is beyond fear.

Be ready to be changed

Anytime fear shows up in your life something big is about to happen. The greater the resistance you feel, the greater the change is going to be. It’s natural to feel resistant to change, everyone loves their comfort zone – you know who you are there. What comfort zones don’t bring you are personal growth nor professional growth. Be open to being changed, good can come from it.

Have courage and be strong in your convictions

Those convictions are what change you and change the world. Fear can paralyze you and leave you feeling terrified. My advice is to take deep breaths through these feelings until they pass. They will pass. Be courageous and go after what you want. Take action is the answer to every question. If you allow yourself to continually over analyse and re-question yourself and your decisions, you become a procrastinator.

Make your decision

Embrace the feeling of fear and then push through it with an action. It doesn’t matter how small the actions, just keeping moving towards your goal.

Keep your eye on the prize always!

What is it that you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? We are so easily distracted by day to day tasks that we become ‘lost’ in the details rather than where we are headed. Have your ‘compass’ with your goals outlined. Every minute of the day, know where you are going, know what you are waking up to and what is keeping you motivated.


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