Embarking on your road to recovery can bring with it remarkable insights and crystal clarity

Whatever the trauma you may have experienced, it can be completely devastating. The safety you once felt in the world is pulled out from under you, like a carpet you didn’t even know you were standing on. The world changes in an instant – the colour in it, the things you notice, the parts you stop seeing and the scary ones you begin to see.

Embarking on your road to recovery can bring with it remarkable insights and crystal clarity…

 Deeper Bonds

A difficult experience deepens our bonds with the positive people. Be it, friends or family, our experience gives us the opportunity to see how deeply we are loved and cared for by our people. We appreciate the relationships we have and realize that we can rely on and trust others to listen and support us when we need it.

Creative Expression

Expressing yourself and using creativity as a way to process thoughts and emotions, is a helpful tool. Following on from a challenging time, you may find yourself suddenly interested in new hobbies, a different lifestyle or new relationships that make life more meaningful and satisfying for you.

Relinquishing Responsibility

The most obvious thing we know to be true of trauma is that it destroys our self-esteem; either because of the injuries we sustain or because we feel we did something wrong to deserve something terrible happening to us. Part of our healing journey is realising that we are not responsible for what happened, no matter the situation we may have found ourselves in.

Inner Strength

Did you ever imagine what you could get through, what you could survive? Having the courage to face your experiences head-on, brings with it a toleration of old, hurtful memories, especially when you are driven by a goal that inspires you. Be your inspiration.

Spiritual Awakening

For many who have gone through a life-altering experience, they choose to see what has happened to them as part of a bigger plan. Maybe even one that changes a life direction completely. Often people make drastic changes to their lives after surviving an ordeal. Some give up alcohol and drugs, others give up ‘punishing’ their bodies with unhealthy foods and start taking their wellness seriously by committing to a healthier lifestyle.

Appreciation of Life

The things you took for granted somehow don’t seem as irrelevant and you may find yourself appreciating the smallest of blessings. Connecting with simple pleasures, like nature, can be profoundly healing. You may even feel that you’ve been given a second chance at life, an opportunity to recreate and rebuild yourself in a truer more congruent way


Find your happiness in the life you have now. Your journey is not always smooth sailing, so expect to have ‘up’ days and ‘down’ days. Simply by acknowledging this you will be able to anticipate when those days may be, so go gently. This time will pass, the sun will come out and life will reflect that good has come of this.

Dealing with trauma is not something anyone should have to go through alone. Not only am I qualified to assist in trauma counsellingchildhood trauma counselling and post-traumatic stress counselling, but I have personally been affected by own trauma and through my experience I can offer a safe, accepting and supporting environment so that you can come to terms with what you’ve been through and move forward with your life. By moving forward, I do not mean existing through each day, I mean living fully, joyfully and comfortable with who you are. Becoming the strength of your experience is a truly beautiful thing and walking with me, you will find this space inside of you.


We’re not so different, you and me,

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