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What you speak you become. Who you become has the potential to change the world.

How to be Courageous through Change

How to be Courageous through Change

All that change requires of us, is to become different. A minute difference in behavior, a tiny alteration in response or a variation of action, has the power to change the course of destiny – not just your own, but that of others. It was Charles Darwin...

5 Phases of Procrastination

5 Phases of Procrastination

Are you a professional procrastinator? Are ‘legitimate’ excuses, ‘busy’ schedules and poor prioritizing your themes? Then you have conversed well with that old friend, guilt, and those false promises of never doing it again! Until the next time…...

Reflect, Refresh and Recreate

Reflect, Refresh and Recreate

Are you able to step outside of the life that is yours and clearly see the strengths and areas of improvement? On any given day of significance; be it of personal, cultural or religious importance, we naturally gravitate towards a time of contemplation.A...

5 Types of People You Want to Surround Yourself With

5 Types of People You Want to Surround Yourself With

Appreciate yourself enough to know who you want to be around, what you want to be and who you deserve to become Remember those all too familiar parental warnings of, “be careful of the company you keep, because you will become them.”? How about, “birds of...

5 Simple Steps to Success

5 Simple Steps to Success

Is your goal worthy of you and do you know how to go out and get it? The idea of success can mean different things to different people. Earl Nightingale defines this beautifully in ‘The Strangest Secret’ when he says, “…success is the gradual realization...

5 Ways Fear Can Be Your Ultimate Motivator

5 Ways Fear Can Be Your Ultimate Motivator

The fear of failure is almost impossible, but what you choose to do with it is what puts you ahead of the rest Every one of us has fear. Fear is a part of our genetic make-up that is designed to protect us. If we are not careful, though, fear can become...

5 Types of People You Want to Surround Yourself With

5 Types of People You Want to Surround Yourself With

Appreciate yourself enough to know who you want to be around, what you want to be and who you deserve to become Remember those all too familiar parental warnings of, “be careful of the company you keep, because you will become them.”? How about, “birds of...

5 Simple Steps to Success

5 Simple Steps to Success

Is your goal worthy of you and do you know how to go out and get it? The idea of success can mean different things to different people. Earl Nightingale defines this beautifully in ‘The Strangest Secret’ when he says, “…success is the gradual realization...

5 Ways Fear Can Be Your Ultimate Motivator

5 Ways Fear Can Be Your Ultimate Motivator

The fear of failure is almost impossible, but what you choose to do with it is what puts you ahead of the rest Every one of us has fear. Fear is a part of our genetic make-up that is designed to protect us. If we are not careful, though, fear can become...

Get Yourself Out of Your Rut!

Get Yourself Out of Your Rut!

Is life getting a little ‘too cushy’? If you answer ‘yes’ to the questions below, it may be time to acknowledge you might be stuck in a rut Has your life become predictable? Are you bored with the people and places in it? Are you unhappy with where you are...

Be What You Are Here To Be… Human

Be What You Are Here To Be… Human

Why are we so afraid to really go there and be what we are designed to be… messy, unpredictable, chaotic and raw beings. We avoid the feelings, we move through one experience onto the next with blitzing speed, we interchange our people and our...

Cellular Memory Healing

Cellular Memory Healing

About thirteen years ago I picked up this book called ‘The miracle of water’ by Masaru Emoto… and then I put it down again. A few more weeks pass and I seem to keep asking myself the same question, “Why are these ‘stories’ taking up so much of my time,...

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I’m Gaelene, a qualified social worker with practices in JHB and Durban, I specialise in creating a safe space for people who feel lost and paralysed by their experiences. A space where people feel accepted and supported through their journey whilst reclaiming the greatest version of themselves.

Watch my videos to learn more.

We’re not so different, you and me, join my soul tribe and become more of who you were meant to be.